All Classes and Interfaces
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/activities
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/count/all
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata
The main entry point of the SDK, exposes the configuration and the fluent API.
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/association
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/{associationUu-id}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/auth
Bean class used for serializing/deserializing bounding box info into JSON
All coordinaates are intended to be pixels
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/bulk
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/bulk
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/bulk
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/bulk
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/bulk
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/query/columns
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/conceptassociations
{"concept":"Nanomia", "count":"55"}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/concept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments/concept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concepts
Data class for requesting annotations from multiple videos at the same time
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/concurrent
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/concurrent
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/concurrent/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/multi/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/toconcept/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/images/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/images/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/modified/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept/images/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/videoreference/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/query/count
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/counts
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/counts
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/delete
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/delete
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/histogram/depth
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/details
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/delete/duration
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/find
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/georange
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/groups
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/health
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/histogram
Interface that captures the bare-essentials of both an Image and an Annotation.
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/imagedmoment
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/imagereference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/imagereference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagereferences
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/concept/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments/concept/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments/toconcept/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/toconcept/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/count/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/find/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept/images
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/index
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/count/linkname
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/find/linkname
Fluent API for logging.
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/merge
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/missioncontact
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/missioncontacts
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/missionid
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/missionids
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/modified
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/videoreference/modified
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/bulk/move
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/multi
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/multi
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/name
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/newtime
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/observation
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/observation
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/query
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/toconcept/rename
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept/rename
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/query/run
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/tapetime
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/index/tapetime
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/histogram/time
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/toconcept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments/toconcept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/toconcept
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/url
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/images/count/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/images/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/index/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/videoreference
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/videoreferences
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/windowrequest
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/{ancillaryDataUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/association/{associationUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/toconcept/count/{concept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/concept/images/{concept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/concept/{concept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments/concept/images/{concept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept/count/{concept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concept/images/count/{concept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/count/{conceptName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/images/count/{conceptName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/images/{conceptName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/concept/{conceptName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/videoreference/modified/{uuid}/{date}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/modified/count/{start}/{end}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/modified/{start}/{end}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/imagedmoment/{imagedMomentUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/{imagedMomentUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/name/{imageFileName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/imagereference/{imageReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/imagereference/{imageReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagereferences/{imageReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/{imageReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/associations/{associationUu-id}/{linkName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/details/{link_name}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/count/linkname/{linkName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/find/linkname/{linkName}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/details/{link_name}/{link_value}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/missioncontact/{missioncontact}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/missionid/{missionid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/observation/{observationUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/{observationUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/observation/{observationUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/delete/duration/{observationUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/{observationUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/modified/count/{start}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/modified/{start}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/newtime/{videoReferenceUuid}/{time}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/imagedmoments/toconcept/images/{toconcept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/toconcept/images/{toconcept}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/url/{url}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/videoreference/modified/{uuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/{videoInfoUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/merge/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/ancillarydata/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/annotations/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/images/count/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/images/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/fast/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/count/images/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/newtime/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/imagedmoments/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/images/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/index/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/concepts/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/videoreference/count/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/observations/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}
Builds and executes requests for operations under /v1/videoreferences/videoreference/{videoReferenceUuid}