Members list
Type members
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Information about the source of a JPEG
Information about the source of a JPEG
Value parameters
- created
When the jpeg was created. Used by the cache to determine which items to drop.
- elapsedTime
The elapsed time into the video that the jpeg was taken
- path
The local path to the jpeg file
- sizeBytes
The size of the jpeg file in bytes
- videoUrl
The URL to the source video
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
In memory cache of paths to Jpegs that were captured. The cache is organized by videoUrl and elpased time into the video. When the cache on disk size exceeds the allowed size, the oldest jpegs are cleared out of the cache and removed from disk. The number of jpegs removed is specified by the cacheClearPct.
In memory cache of paths to Jpegs that were captured. The cache is organized by videoUrl and elpased time into the video. When the cache on disk size exceeds the allowed size, the oldest jpegs are cleared out of the cache and removed from disk. The number of jpegs removed is specified by the cacheClearPct.
Jpegs are expected to be stored in jpegs named as follows:
Value parameters
- cacheClearPct
When the maxCacheSizeMB is receached this, disk will be freed equal to maxCacheSizeMb * cacheClearPct
- maxCacheSizeMB
The max allowed on-disk size of the cache
- root
The root directory of the cache
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Supertypes
trait Callable[Int]class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any