

This is a normal sbt project. You will need Docker installed to run the full test suite. Docker allows this project to start database servers for integration testing.

Useful SBT Commands

  1. stage - Builds a runnable project in target/oni/universal/stage
  2. Docker/stage - Builds a Dockerfile for Oni at target/oni/docker/stage
  3. doc - Build documentation, including API docs to target/docs/site
  4. compile then scalafmtAll - Will convert all syntax to new-style, indent based Scala 3.
  5. test run all tests
  6. itPostgres/test or itSqlserver/test to only run tests against one of the databases.
  7. itPostgres/testOnly <testname> or itSqlserver/testOnly <testname> to run a single test.


Documentation can be added as markdown files in oni/src/docs/_docs and will be included automatically when you run scaladoc.